
Thursday, September 19, 2019

be internet safe.

W.A.L.T: Be internet safe.
We did cyber smart and we had to learn how to be safe online. My class had to find a partner and work together my partner was a year 8 girl called harmony. Then we made a copy of a slideshow we had to do slides were you had to answer if it was real or fake questions most of are answers were fake  but some of the question we did not agree the same way me and harmony were struggling a tiny bit with the question we were given.  To see if they were fake or not I really thought it was really hard for me and some of the questions really got to my head and I really got confused. If you think your being scammed or your reading a website and you don't know if its fake or not make sure it's URL has a padlock and it starts with a https  then you know that it is a real website. If you think I could of done any thing better on this blog post the comment down below and remember to be internet safe. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

tessellation art made by Julia inspired by M.C Escher

                       Our tessellation art 

A  weak ago my entire class had to do A tessellation art work. A tessellation is we're you make a shape that would fit exactly like A puzzle piece. so we all watched how to do tessellation I went with a pattern kind of style and. I had a lot of fun making it if you thought of anything i could of done better comment down below.

Draw a abstract artiste styled drawing with charcoal


      Draw a abstract artiste styled drawing with                                      charcoal

Last week 2019 my class were learning how to draw a high contrasts and abstract photo. My drawing is a anime boy who looks fine in the outside but he is crying for help in the inside.
And the shaded parts on the picture is a style of Margaret Davidson. It was kind of A challenge for me at the start. If you saw anything i could of improved leave a comment.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Draw a Jim dine styled tool


                  Draw a Jim dine styled tool

Last week we started to draw with charcoal. Are goal was to learn the style of Jim dine a famous artist. We watched a video on how to draw like him this photo was my end result. I probably could of added more detail but I am happy with it.
Say in the comment section down below what else I could have done better. Hope you like my drawing.    

Plan a screencastify


                      Plan a screencastify

On Thursday last week we did a screencastify about how to grab a picture of the web. I was really struggling to get it right but I got it done in the end. What I could of probably done better was the explanation. Comment down below if I could of done any more improvements.  

My maths symmetry


                     How to describe symmetry and rotational symmetry 

To describe a symmetrical shape is to find out if when you fold the shape it looks exactly the same as the other side. Each challenge was quite easy for me so I got it done quite fast. But what I could have done better was put more explanation in my writing.
And please comment down below what else I could of done better.

My class doing photos and angles


                 To take photos from angle and it's main purposes

On Thursday the 8th of August 2019 me and my class learnt how to take photos from different angles. We all had to get in pairs. My group was Isaac, Lola and me, Julia. But the rest were in pairs. If you want to see the photos me and my group took, watch the slide show above. One thing that I could have done better is the lighting of the photo's. I really enjoyed the lesson we had and if you like any of the photos we took please comment down below what was your favourite.  If you think that I could of done something better comment down below. I hope you liked my slide show.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

How to grab a picture from the web

plan a screencastify

On Thursday my class was doing cyber smart and we all had to learn how to grab a picture from the web. The main thing we had to do was search for an image and see if the copyright usage rights said we were allowed to use it. If you want to see how to do the same thing and be safe at the same time then here is a video you could use.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

my Roy L portrait


This is my Roy Lichtenstein portrait we we're told to do a lot of swirls and shapes and then colour it in with pencil then go around it with a sharpie or a vivid.

We had to do a Roy Lichtenstein portrait to get creative and to create it in style. 

1. Take a picture of your self. 
2. Make it black and white.
3. Go to a window and trace it.
4. Make some crazy shapes on your face.
5. Colour it in.
6. Outline it with sharpie
Next time we do art could you please give us some suggestions and how do you think I can improve next time?

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rugby League Practise


On Wednesdays we've been learning how to play rugby league with some of the professionals (Kelly and Jim). We all had a lot of fun, they even said that we could sign up for rugby league but it only for 14 year old's and under, so I didn't really want to go.

One team starts with the rugby ball and then one team player plays the ball. You can either tap and run or play it behind you. After you have done that somebody on your team can then pick it up and throw it to somebody else, but once that person has the ball they have to immediately run. And if they get touched they play the ball again. Once that team has been touched 5 times it is a hand over.

Can you please give me some tips so I can improve next time when we do training? And if you play league or like league comment down below.

Monday, June 24, 2019

My still life drawing


Learning how to do still life drawing. This term my class have been doing still life I have 

Thursday, June 13, 2019

A quality blog post

A quality blog post poster

Today my entire class has  been making a quality blog poster on google drawing now i'm here to show YOU how to make a quality blog post.

 I have made well with a little help from my friends a poster to how to, make a quality blog post poster just follow the steps to how to make a quality blog post.

 1.Have a catchy title. 
2.Explain what you have learnt and done.
 3.Have correct punctuation and spelling. 
 4.Make sure it makes sense.
 5.Do not make it to complected.

 On the way i had a lot of fun making and fiddling with it. And leave a comment what i should do better.

Thursday, May 30, 2019


this is a animation that we made on google slides when are cyber smart teacher came into are class i was really exited we learnt how to animate and my favourite part was that we got to do are animation on where are imagination takes us Mr pikard are teacher and whaea Donna are cyber smart teacher helped me with some issues that I had on the way I learnt some shortcuts along the way I learnt how to 1. copy and past slides to get a PNG pic(transparent pitcher) to get speech bubbles to make an animation on google slides 1.get a empty slideshow 2.think of a theme 3.choose your characters 4.give it a title 5.have a little fun 6.have some speeking roles 7.see the end product And I had a lot of fun making it and I hope you have more fun fiddling with it hope you enjoy my animation.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

learning how to use screencastify

Friday, April 5, 2019