
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Rugby League Practise


On Wednesdays we've been learning how to play rugby league with some of the professionals (Kelly and Jim). We all had a lot of fun, they even said that we could sign up for rugby league but it only for 14 year old's and under, so I didn't really want to go.

One team starts with the rugby ball and then one team player plays the ball. You can either tap and run or play it behind you. After you have done that somebody on your team can then pick it up and throw it to somebody else, but once that person has the ball they have to immediately run. And if they get touched they play the ball again. Once that team has been touched 5 times it is a hand over.

Can you please give me some tips so I can improve next time when we do training? And if you play league or like league comment down below.

Monday, June 24, 2019

My still life drawing


Learning how to do still life drawing. This term my class have been doing still life I have 

Thursday, June 13, 2019

A quality blog post

A quality blog post poster

Today my entire class has  been making a quality blog poster on google drawing now i'm here to show YOU how to make a quality blog post.

 I have made well with a little help from my friends a poster to how to, make a quality blog post poster just follow the steps to how to make a quality blog post.

 1.Have a catchy title. 
2.Explain what you have learnt and done.
 3.Have correct punctuation and spelling. 
 4.Make sure it makes sense.
 5.Do not make it to complected.

 On the way i had a lot of fun making and fiddling with it. And leave a comment what i should do better.